consultancy services

MaikelPro offers a unique range of IT consultancy services tailored towards software development and cyber security:

  • Design and/or implementation of secure, fault-tolerant integrations between software applications and solutions (mainly in Java and REST).
  • Strategic advice on technological choices in software development for continuity, privacy and security risks.
  • Quick scan of the current secure software development practices within your company.
  • Implementation assistance of secure software development practices for DevOps teams using Java/Kotlin within your company. E.g. SAST/SCA/Threat Modelling/Security by Design.
  • Collaborations with Penetration testers to provide software solutions which reduce vulnerabilities and/or their impact in the future.
  • Advice on PKI infrastructure, or the use cryptographic key material in applications and/or deployments on Kubernetes.

With a background in both software development (Bsc.) and cyber security (Msc.), I can help both in the design, implementation and security of your application development needs. Combining these multiple disciplines allows me to better integrate these practices to reach the desired goal of your organization.

For inquires, please contact me through the following channels:

KVK:     88487016 (registered dutch business)